JESUS alone reveals God exactly. And the God Jesus reveals will absolutely blow your mind.
Because the God Jesus reveals is a God of all grace. Grace is God’s undeserved and unearned favour. It is His fullness freely given… not because we are good but because He is good.
That’s the truth about God experienced through the person and finished work of Jesus.
But this truth cannot make you free until you know it, which is why a Jesus-centred gospel is so important.
Have you believed into Jesus?
Then you are a new creation in Him.
Look what the apostle Paul says about this…
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. ~2 Cor 5:17 (ESV)
What is the “new” that has come?
The new is a New Covenant for a brand new you. A whole new and living way.
You see, the Old Covenant was before the success of the Cross. It dealt with man in his fallen/unrighteous condition.
But your new birth is the result of the Cross.
Through Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection, God not only delivered you from sin but He imparted to you His positive righteousness.
Not just any righteousness. God’s own righteousness.
That astonishing discovery requires a profound and fundamental shift in thinking.
Thoughts anchored in JESUS and what He has done and does for you.
Thoughts that produce peace and joy.
Rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Tim. 2:15) has everything to do with living in the light of God’s goodness.
And those who Jesus makes free are really and unquestionably free.
No more guilt. No more fear. No more condemnation.
No longer self and sin conscious but Christ and grace conscious!
Repentance has nothing to do with paying your dues. That’s a religious idea. Jesus paid all our dues. In fact, His life was an overpayment.
Repentance literally means to think as God thinks.
God thinks good thoughts towards you. Never bad thoughts. Jesus is the constant proof of it.
And as we think as God thinks – as we rest into His finished work – a wondrous transformation occurs from the inside out. (Rom 12:2)
It’s a beautiful thing.
The key is keeping our eyes on JESUS.
Feeding on His goodness.
And that is why Jesus and His finished work is the beginning, middle and end of all our teaching and preaching.
“Let me teach you how to discern if the grace teaching that you are hearing is doctrinally sound. When you hear the new covenant of grace preached, it is always Christ-exalting. It always reveals more and more of Jesus. There is no grace without Jesus.” ~ Ps Joseph Prince