“The Lord daily loads us with benefits!” The Psalmist said that.
“We are blessed with every blessing in Christ Jesus!” The apostle Paul said that.
And who do the blessings and benefits have in common? JESUS!
Grace is the enjoyment of God because we are “in Him” and for no other reason. Truth is, it is impossible to possess Jesus apart from His benefits.
This message explores the principle of being “loaded” as described in Psalm 68:19. It is a powerful concept.
There are two distinct aspects to the Hebrew word, “load”…
Load (`Amac) = 1.To lift a load, 2. To lay (a load) upon anyone
By definition, it is a dual action. God lays blessing upon us and lifts burdens off us.
The VOICE translation places emphasis on this second aspect…
Blessed be the Lord, who carries our heavy loads every day, the true God who is our salvation. Selah!
“Selah” should not be lost on us either. By definition, it means “rest, be still, pause.” On what grounds can we rest? On the grounds that the work is finished.
Enter the person and finished work of JESUS.
The power of the Christian life is not a changed life it is an exchanged life. An astonishing exchange that plays out in this way…
Sin was lifted and righteousness was loaded.
The curse was lifted and blessing was loaded.
Poverty was lifted and supply was loaded.
Condemnation was lifted and justification was loaded.
Guilt was lifted and glory was loaded.
Bondage was lifted and freedom was loaded.
Death was lifted and life was loaded.
No wonder Paul described Jesus as the inexpressible gift, precious beyond telling! (2 Cor. 9:15)
We pray the message blesses you.
Out of His fullness, we have all received grace on top of grace. John 1:16
References: Psalm 68:19 (NKJV and VOICE), John 1:16-17, Eph 2:20 (Wuest NT), Matthew 11:28-30, Galatians 2:4, John 14:26, Galatians 6:15